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Wooden Shafted Golf Clubs, wood shaft putters,
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Wooden Shafted Golf Clubs, wood shaft putters,
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April 5, 2003 Live Auction
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January 22, 2002 Absentee Auction
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July 9, 2001 Absentee Auction
May 21, 2001 Auction Catalog
March 31, 2001 Live Auction Catalog
August 7, 1999 Auction Catalog
April 1, 2000 Auction Catalog
July 31, 2000 Absentee Auction
October 21, 2000 Live Auction
January 30, 2001 Auction
July 9,2001 Absentee Auction
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Auction Catalog! with
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Aluminum Head Mills Type Putters
Monthly Hickory Shaft Golf Club Catalogs
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Celebrate the 2000 British Open with this ST.
ANDREWS KEEPSAKE: A St. Andrews Millenium British Open
keepsake. An "Old Course" Bag Tag, Logo Golf Ball, Ball
Marker and Green Repair Tool all with the St. Andrews emblem. 4
items. If purchased separately IN ST. ANDREWS, your cost would be
approximately $13. Our price - $12.

*** NEWS - Furjanic Auction Records Record Prices.
The April 1, 2000 Chuck Furjanic, Golf
Collectibles Auction was a great success with a number of lots setting records. The Patent Applied For Cran Cleek, G-8+
brought $3080., the Pat. Applied For Hagen Concave Sand
Wedge in Superb G-9 condition realized $1045. and a mint
Ocobo gutta percha ball circa 1895-1900 fetched $2090., a
superb Park Compressed Head Brassie G-9, $1375. and a red
mesh wrapped ball by Miller & Taylor, Glasgow brought
$467.50. were all record prices. Other items of interest were the
Jn Gray Cleek G-7+, $2090., a Star Challenger
G-6+, $2090, a mint Colonel Crescent Dimple, $880., a Spalding
Baseball mark Rut Niblick G-7, $715, a Morris long nose
putter $1980. and a Hogan Bronze for $2090.
Furjanics next live auction will be held in
Irving, TX in mid October. Catalogues will be available at the GCS
National Gathering in Virginia Beach.
Consignments are now being accepted for this
major Fall Auction Sale. Contact Chuck Furjanic at 1-214-377-8421, or eMail
View Past Auction Pictures!
PEBBLE BEACH by Edwin De Bell
One of my favorite fantasies while driving an automobile cross
country is to visualize superficially a golf course on a particular
piece of terrain which, in my mind's eye, would provide an ideal
setting for one. I remember distinctly an occasion which occurred
some years ago as I was driving through Lake County, California, and
had just passed through Hoberg's on the way to a small village called
Lock Lomond. I happened to look to the left of the car and suddendly
caught sight of a large meadow with undulating fields, sporadic
trees, and several creeks running through it. "That would be an
ideal setting for a golf course," I murmured to myself as I
carefully rounded a large bend in the road. And guess what? I was
wright! In a few years' time that inviting plot of ground became the
Adams Springs Golf Course, a course which I, later played many times.
It was one of those "out of the way" nine hole courses
which seem to beckon challenges which it represents. It takes me
back. And I can think of another course which takes me back to its
ideal setting, its natural beauty, and its hidden challenges. I have
played it once and only once - in 1957 - but that once was enough to
engrave in my memory all of its subtleties, its nuances, its
invitations. That course is Pebble Beach. Pebble Beach is a golfing
environment which lures the player to its intrinsic elements and then
possesses him by gorging his senses with a panoply of ever-changing
impressions, feelings, and experiences. To play Pebble Beach once is
to play it forever; to play it forever is to play it once. It defies
time, it defies location; it defies knowing. It just is. If you have
ever played it, you have become a part of it; it has become a part of
you. Jack Nicklaus has said that if he had to play only one golf
course for the rest of his life, it would be Pebble Beach. The Pebble
Beach Golf Links were created from the inspiration the scenic terrain
stirred in the mind of Samuel F. B. Morse, the nephew of the inventor
of the telegraph. Morse purchased the beautiful site from the
Southern Pacific Railroad and declared that the area was ideal for a
golf course. Accordingly, he contracted Jack Neville - who was
primarily a real estate person - to design eighteen holes overlooking
the ocean. What emerged from the undertaking was "a magnificent
layout sprawling along the top of the cliffs and meandering up from
the ocean to the edges of the Del Monte Forest." It remains as a
links course which is as tough to play as it is spectacular to look
at. Measuring 6799 yards from the champion's tees, it has hosted only
three United States Opens, yet it boasts some of the most famous
holes in all of golfdom. So what is it that causes this fortuitous
meeting of ocean, land, and sky to be so revered by golfers and
viewers alike? It is the feeling that once you have set foot on this
enchanting landscape you know instinctively that you are in a
singular place. Is there any place else quite like it? Not really. It
scarcely needs mention that most of the famous holes at Pebble Beach
are quite well known individually - like seven, eight, seventeen,
eighteen - yet there are several other holes which are just as worthy
of commendation. I like five, nine, fourteen and sixteen. When I
played Pebble Beach in 1957, the green fees were only one tenth of
what they are now. (And I thought that fifteen dollars was kind of
high.) I also remember when I was teeing it up on Number Five I knew
this really was a unique course. Five is not a long par three, but
accuracy and the right distance are imperative. The green seemed
higher than the tee, there was a brook directly behind it, and the
entire green appeared overhung with branches from adjoining trees. It
was the kind of hole which I would have liked to have played over and
over and over. I think that Number Nine is an incredibly challenging
hole. It is long, it is uphill, it has a small green, and the wind
can be a deciding factor. And it comes right after Number Eight, the
often photographed Ravine Hole. Number Fourteen is probably
recognized not only for its severe dog-leg to the right, but also for
its almost inaccessible green. If you are short you are in the
bunker; if you are long you have a very delicate pitch; and, if you
are on, your ball is liable to roll anywhere... perhaps even off the
green altogether. There are probably any number of golf holes which
are reminiscent of Number Sixteen, but I doubt that any can be as
intimidating. And not the least because it is the first of three of
the best finishing holes in all of golf. Pebble Beach won't even let
you forget where you have been and what you have done. I like to
think that Pebble Beach is a living thing. I like to think that,
among all the living entities on the Earth, this is an entity which
gloriously came into being, prevailed through
infancy...adolescence...maturity, and then gracefully acceded to the
ravages of time. I like to think that, by virtue of living and being
and passing, Pebble Beach made this a better world for all of those
who knew her. I hope that she will be there to think about for a long
time to come.
About nineteen years ago, when I tried to play as many different
courses as I could in order to acquire score cards, pencils, and ball
markers, I was invited to spend a week on the island of Maui by my
brother - who was living in Kihei at the time. Naturally, I wanted to
play as much golf as I coudl, but when I realized that my budget for
the trip would be inadequate to cover the even-then expensive green
fees, and when I learned that I would be forbidded to walk the course
of my choice, I decided to find something that I would like. That
something turned out to be the Maui Lua Golf Course. The Maui Lua
Golf Course was not one of those spectacular tournament type
championship courses with artificial lakes, buttressed sand traps,
and huge slick greens which were designed by such architectural
notables as Robert Trent Jones, Dick Wilson, or Pete Dye. It was just
a very unpretentitious nine hole course adjoining the Mau Lua Hotel
on the inland part of Maui and bereft of huge waves crashing against
jagged rocks below, shorebirds wheeling and careening above, or
gigantic palm trees genbtly swaying in the tropical breezes. But I
liked it. Some golfers would probably have referred to it as a
"short course". There were almost as many par threes as
threr were par fours, and none of those par fours were over 400 yards
long. But it had a certain rustic charm to it - even in Hawaii! The
fairways were deceivingly rolling and hilly, there were plenty of
trees all around, and the greens were small and slow. And there were
no cart paths to abruptly remind you that technology had thrust its
artificial tentacles into what once was a solely pastoral experience.
You just walked up to a little booth adjoining the first tee and paid
your three or four dollars to the young Hawaiian girl inside and got
a scorcard, a encil, and a ball marker.... what else? There were also
a few rrental clubs available for guys like me who hadn't brough
their own clubs along. But what got the butterflies churning in your
stomac was the anticipation of the unknown, the realization that you
were embarking upon a journey into a strange place, the satisfaction
that for the next two hours or less there was nothing else in the
world but you, the golf course, and the challenge of doing something
well. We cherish these moments forever. And I still cherish that
brief foray into the realm of island golf - as fleeting and as
distant as it was - and I look back with nostlagia to an event which
was unique for its once-in-a-lifetime quality. The Maui Lua Golf
Course is no more. How could it be, with real estate being so
valuable in "The Islands," and so many "bigger and
better" courses around? That golf course is probably a host of
condominiums now, or another huge hotel, or a big shopping center.
But we don't want to know about that; we want to know about those
other courses. Among the other course, the Waiehu Municipal Course
woul be the next step up from the Maui Lua. It has a full eighteen
holes at 6330 yards and the green fees are $25. You can walk it if
you are a purist, or you can rent a cart and roll merrily along; the
cart costs half as much as the green fees. Next in order of opulence
would be the Pukalani Country Club at 6494 yards and green fees at
$60. The carts there are the same price as they are at Waiehu. At
Kihei - where my brother still lives - you can roll; your way along
the 6400 yards of the Silverwood Golf course for $65., including that
cart. >From here on out the carts are mandatory (or at least
included in the green fees) and you are looking a hundred dollar
bills plus. the Waikapa Valley Club is a par 72 of 6200 yards and
almost $100. For $110. you can play the 6823 yards of the Makena Golf
Course with a par of 72 also. $125 will get you eighteen holes of
more par 72 golf over the 6152 yards of the Wailea Blue Course. And
that brings, finally, to the Kapalua Golf Club. The Plantation Course
of the Kapalua Golf club, where the Kapalua International will be
played, was designed by Ben Crenshaw - one of the few tour golfers
who is also an avid collector as well as a keen bird watcher (So am
I, Ben.) It is considered a big course - a par of 73 over 6547 yards
- because it is spread out over a former pineapple field and it
features wide fairways and huge greens. To show his respect for the links-type
courses of the British Isles, Crenshaw left the fronts of the greens
unguarded by bunkers in order to encourage the old fashioned run-up
shots. These shots come into play quite frequently because the winds
are usually consistent and quite strong on this course. An
opportunity for this type of play becomes apparent on the 305 yard
fourteenth hole, which is downwind and offers a good chance for an
eagle. On the final hole, a par 5 of 663 yards - downhill and also
downwind - a free automobile is offered to the plauyer who can put
his second shot closest to the pin on Saturday. And Hula-Hula dancers
will be there to celebrate that accomplishment. And here come the
those butterflies again! The Kapalua Resort is famous for its well-known
logo: the butterfly. This symbol is visible on almost everything
there: golf apparel, napkins, soap, etc. And - what is more - there
is even an exotic drink named in its honor! Kapalua.... Maui Lua...
Hula Hula.... it's all Hawaiian to me. And, it could be all Hawaiian
for you if you tune in your television to the Kapalua International
between November 3 and November 6. Or, better yet, you might want to
go there and see it first hand; tournament spectators are welcomed at
no charge. Aloha nui loa: fondest regards.
How would you feel if you shot twenty five strokes under par in a
golf tournament and you didn't win it? Regardless of how many holes
you played, wouldn't you feel a little bit goofy? You can get a
not-so-goofy answer from Chip Beck. Chip Beck is a professional on
the P.G.A. tour who just happened to shoot twenty five strokes under
par at the Walt Disney World Golf Classic in 1988. I say just
happened, although scores like that just don't happen very often.
They are a very rare happening, and when they do happen you would
think something good would come of them. Not so for Chip Beck; some
other guy shot the same score and beat him in a playoff. Now wouldn't
that make you feel a little bit goofy? Goofy scores, goofy guys,
goofy outcomes....they are all there at the Walt Disney World Golf
Classic, and the only other thing you really need there is Goofy
himself. That would just make your day, wouldn't it, Chip Beck? But
of course, Goofy is to Walt Disney as "Rib o' th' Green" is
to golf. If they aren't there, then something is missing. I grew up
with Goofy at the same time I grew up with golf. I don't imagine many
readers remember the old cartoon in which Mickey Mouse is playing
golf and Goofy is his caddy (who else?). They go along pretty well
over the first few holes until Mickey finds himself in a very deep
sand trap cut right into the edge of a large green. He asks Goofy for
his "sand iron", takes a huge swipe at the ball, sends up a
shower of sand, but doesn't even move it. He takes another swipe:
same result. He tries it a third time unsuccessfully, throws the club
back at Goofy, and asks for a different one. Goofy gives him a
"mashie". Mickey takes a couple more swipes, sends up a
couple more showers of sand, and throws the club back at Goofy again.
Goofy gives him another club, then another club, then another.
Finally, after almost all of the clubs have been used and almost all
of the sand is out of the trap, Mickey asks for the putter. He takes
a graceful swing, catches the ball cleanly, and rolls it over the
edge of the green and into the cup. By this time, Goofy is lying
prostrate on the ground - almost covered with sand - with broken
clubs lying all around him. His eyes are bulging, his teeth are
gnashing, and through it all he is muttering: "....it's only a
game....it's only a game....it's only a game!" Are you
listening, Chip? The Walt Disney World Golf Classic is played over
three courses located within the Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom: The
Magnolia Course, the Palm Course, and the Lake Buena Vista Course.
The yardages for the professional players are, respectively: 7190,
6957, and 6655; the course ratings are: 73.9, 73.0, and 72.7; and,
the slopes are : 133, 129, and 128. Concerning prestige on the P.G.A.
Tour, this tournament is rated twenty-third, course difficulty is
rated forty-third, and the overall rating with all factors evaluated
(including quality of winners) is twenty-eighth. Not bad for a
tournament which some jokesters might refer to as "Mickey
Mouse". Taken together, these three courses have been described
as "....almost as blue and white as (they are) green."
There are an even 300 bunkers on them and an odd 25 lakes. And I
understand that all of the flags are yellow, probably with the name
of the tournament inscribed in logo. (Whatever became of red flags
with white numbers?) If there were four courses here the four-round
tournament would likely be played on a different course each day, but
since there are only three, the cut is made after everyone has played
the three courses and the survivors return to Magnolia. It must be a
fine course, so let us examine it in depth. Number 1 is a par 4 of
428 yards with water all along the right side of the fairway and a
trap on each side of the green. Number 2 is a par 4 of 417 yards,
dogleg to the right, with eight traps. Number 3 is a par 3 of 160
yards with traps North, South, East and West circling a very round
green. Number 4 is a par 5 of 552 yards with thirteen traps all over
the place. Number 5 is a par 4 of 448 yards with three irregular
traps surrounding a rather large green. Number 6 is a par 3 of 195
yards with a huge lake to hit over from the tee to a kidney shaped
green which is quite undulated. Number 7 is a par 4 of 410 yards with
a lake to hit over from the tee again and three traps to hit over to
get on the green. Number 8 is a par 5 of 614 yards, dogleg left, with
six traps around a kidney shaped green for the third shot. Number 9
is a par 4 of 431 yards with a big lake all along the left side of
the green. Suffice it to say that the back nine is much like the
front nine with very similar features. An obviously goofy feature of
this tournament is the annual Hummingbird Bass and Golf Contest which
teams sixteen professionals with sixteen fishermen. The twosomes play
the back nine of the Palm Course (golfers through the fairway and
fishermen through the greens), after which everyone goes fishing.
Every golf stroke is then subtracted from all the weights of all the
fish caught by each team, so it really turns out to be a low score
big weight competition. Is it better to be a good golfer, a good
fisherman, or both? As with most things, probably a little bit of
this, a little bit of that, and a little bit of luck besides.
Finally, if Chip Beck ever plays in this tournament again, I know of
a funny looking guy who would make the perfect caddy for him in this
"goofy" tournament. He has long, floppy ears, a bulbous
nose, and very big feet. But the best thing about him is that he will
do anything you ask him to. Now isn't that goofy?
The first time I viewed Winged Foot was from the passenger
window of a DC3 in the nineteen-fifties when I was travelling from
Upstate New York to New York City. I had noticed a number of
beautiful golf courses as we were flying over Long Island on the
approach to the airport, and so I inquired of the stewardess what
they were. "Well, I think that one just below the wing tip of
the aircraft is Winged Foot. It looks like one huge course, but I
think it's more than one. I don't know how many holes it has, but
they sure are pretty, an' I love the way they go back an' forth an'
in an' out. It'd good to walk it some time." I agreed that there
were some people who would love to do just that. Years ago - long
before the fifties - a famous writer once remarked that "Golf is
a good walk spoiled".... but I disagree. I contend that golf is
a good walk enhanced. And that enhancement is hugely visible at
Winged Foot. Winged Foot - whose symbol is a foot with a wing - was
designed for members of the New York Ahtletic Club in 1923 by
"eccentric" golf course architect A. W. Tillinghast. They
instructed him to "give us a man sized course" which would
be attractive to walk upon and challenging to play. After removing
scores of trees, tons of rock, and lots of weeds, he designed a
course which is not only very pleasing to the eye but also very
disagreeable to the card. Winged Foot is considered "one of the
toughest courses in the United States, and also one of the most
demanding. It measures 6,956 yards from the championship tees and
almost all of the par fours are over 400 yards long. Most amateurs
and many professionals find it quite frustrating to get on these
greens in two shots, a fact which makes this course so difficult. The
bulk of the victories here have been with big scores, including Bobby
Jones in 1929, Billy Casper in 1959, and Hale Irwin in 1974. The
members of this athletic club must be very proud of their testing
course. The course to which I have been referring is the West Course.
It is the one which is used for all the major championships -
including four United States Opens - but it is arguably no more
difficult than the East Course As the airline stewardess said, it is
all "one huge course"....and quite intimidating no matter
where you are. The individual holes on the West Course are
interesting as well as unique. The first - Genesis - is a relatively
straight par four of 446 yards with large traps on either side of a
long narrow green. The second - Elm - is a slight dog-leg to the
right par four of 411 yards also with traps on either side of the
green. A good hole to get your game - Babe in the Woods - is the
shortest par three (166). Eight - Arena - is another long hitter's
par four (442), and nine - Meadow - is a short hitter's par five
(471), with all sorts of traps surrounding the going. Three -
Pinnacle - is a moderately long par three of 216 yards with a kidney
shaped green bordered again by two traps. Keep it straight on the
first three holes. The fourth - Sound View - is a long (453)
straightaway par four with the Old White Plains Road on one side and
the fifth - Long Lane - a par five of 515 yards on the other. Six -
The El - is the shortest par four on the course (324), and sevengreen
to make up for the ones you missed on the early holes. The back nine
begins with a par three - Pulpit - which is around 200 yards long.
The green is protected by two kidney shaped bunkers and has copious
trees around it....not to mention a house directly behind it. Is this
a lay-up hole? Eleven - Billows - is the only other par four of less
than 400 yards (386), but it has traps here and traps there and traps
nearly everywhere. Twelve - Cape - is a dog-leg to the left par five
and the longest hole on the course: 535. Thirteen - White Mule - is
another par three of around 200 yards but without a house behind the
green. No need to lay-up here. Fourteen and fifteen - Shamrock and
Pyramid - are both par fours of equal length (417 & 418), and
both slightly dog-legged. Sixteen - Hell's Bells - is the longest par
four on the course: 457 yards and very few traps. The seventeenth
hole - Well Well - has been described by Jack Nicklaus as a
"textbook test of golf which really pits the player against the
designer." Well, well, I am sure many other holes at Winged Foot
deserve the same tribute, none the least of which is eighteen -
Revelations. It has a slight dog-leg, the fairway is narrow, and the
green has "fearsome" undulations. I guess it gets its name
because after the golfer leaves the green his ultimate score might be
a startling revelation. This year, Winged Foot will host the
championship of the Professional Golfers' Association from August 14
to August 17. Would you like to walk the course with me? The P.G.A.
has given the golfing world an abundance of services. Its committees
include junior golf, caddies' welfare, education and training, rules,
manufactures relations, resolutions, and a golf library. The Hall of
Fame, the P.G.A. Magazine, and the National Golf Day committee are
other significant undertakings. In 1997, as in other years, the
tournament promises to be as eventful as it has ever been. Those who
shoot at or under par at Winged Foot will certainly have passed the
"textbook test of golf". As for the others, I hope it will
not turn out to be "...a good walk spoiled." THE
The United States Open Golf Championship will be held this year at
The Congressional Country Club outside Bethesda, Maryland, on June
12, 13, 14, and 15. It will be the first time it has been played
there since 1964. It will not be the first time the story of the
golfer who played and won there in 1964 will be hold, however.... and
certainly not the last. The Ken Venturi story as a young amateur from
San Francisco; his sudden and unexpected decline after a few years as
a professional; and, his re-emergence as a superb shotmaker at
Congressional in the 1964 Open. Had it not been for unfortunate
circumstances and physical anomalies, Ventury would have been rightly
regarded as one of the finest golfers of this century. As it is, he
will always be remembered as a consummate player and teacher of the
game. The son of the course manager at the Harding Park Golf Club in
San Francisco, Venturi began the game at an early age. His father
literally brought him up with golf, and only a few years after he
began playing he was shooting low scores and entering tournaments. As
a youth, he was always one of the favorites in San Francisco City,
the East Bay Regional, the Alameda Commuters, and the Northern
California Junior. This writer grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area
at the same time as Venturi, and he well remembers how popular and
well thought of he was among all golfers, young and old, professional
and amateur, from that era. And he had a very engaging personality.
The writer recalls how, on one occasion when he was playing behind
Venturi's foursome, Ken was looking over a long putt on the eighth
green at the Alameda Golf Links when he suddenly developed a nose
bleed. Most golfers would have tended to the bloody nose immediately,
but not Venturi. He nonchalantly stepped up to the ball, took his
stance, and rolled it into the cup. It was this kind of determination
which he summoned when he won the Open at Congressional in 1964. In
that Open, the Congressional was giving the players quite a bit of
trouble. It wasn't that the fairways were too narrow or the rough too
high, but a combination of other factors that caused many of the
competitors to complain. That year, the Congressional, at over 7,000
yards, was the longest course in Open history. Several holes were
considered intimidating, but two holes in particular were causing all
sorts of bogeys. These holes, which were ordinarily played as par
fives, had been changed to par fours, and many of the players were
unable to reach the greens in two. And if they did, they then found
the greens to be another challenge. They were extremely grainy -
being a combination of Arlington Bent grass and Congressional Bent
grass - and it took a good poke to get the ball to the hole going
against the grain, to say nothing of how much to allow on sidehill
putts. Low scores were not expected to be frequent. Also, on the
Saturday morning of that year, the temperature was in the nineties -
and this on a day when play was scheduled for thirty-six holes! It
was the contention of the U.S.G.A. at that time that
"....endurance as well as skill shall be a requisite of a
national champion." They believed that only the soundest of
swings could stand up under the attrition of thirty six holes in one
day. The eventual champion would be the man with that swing. Venturi
began his rush to prominence on the very first hole Saturday when his
ten foot birdie putt hung on the lip of the cup and finally toppled
in. He birdied the fourth, the sixth, and the eighth. At the ninth,
he faced the longest hole on the course. But, after having hit two
good fairway shots, he punched a firm wedge shot eight feet from the
cup and ran down the putt, thereby reaching the turn in thirty
strokes. He followed this with a brilliant four iron shot on the 188
yard twelfth to set up another birdie, put him six under par, and
lift him to the top of the leader board. Ken Venturi was leading the
United States Open! Venturi finished the morning round at 66, but
toward the end of that round he began to falter as he missed short
putts on seventeen and eighteen, and was near collapse from heat
prostration. He spent the interval between rounds resting and
drinking tea and taking salt tablets. It was decided he would need a
doctor to walk with him during the afternoon round. Coming into the
ninth hole - The Ravine Hole again - he was tied for the lead, but he
was determined to birdie that hole again and take the lead outright.
He hit a full one iron second shot just five yards in front of the
ravine and right in the middle of the fairway - a perfect lie on the
brink of disaster for a finesse wedge shot. He made the shot, he sank
the putt, and he regained the lead. The last nine was all that was
left. Hanging on tenaciously, Venturi needed only a seven on the last
hole to win, having by that time increased his lead to four strokes.
I well remember watching on television his characteristic splay-footed
walk down the eighteenth fairway as the crowd cheered him on and he
doffed his white cap for the first time that day. But the image that
is ever strong in my mind is that on him sitting under a tree beside
the last green and reminiscing about his never-to-be-forgotten saga
of accomplishment. It was not so much what he did, but how he did it.
And in 1997 - as in 1964 - will the winner of the Open at
Congressional be remembered, like Venturi, not so much for what he
accomplished, but for what he meant to the game of golf? We would all
be richer in memories if that should happen. I would like to
acknowledge Herbert Warren Wind, Golf writer emeritus, for his
excellent analysis of the Open at Congressional in the chapter
"The Third Man", which appeared in his book FOLLOWING
THROUGH, for some of the information contained in the foregoing
article. Thank you.
Bobby Jones, who many critics believe was the finest golfer the game
has ever produced, is remembered more for his accomplishments in the
world of championships than for his achievements in the world of
academia. It is little known that he received a bachelor's degree
from Harvard University in English Literature, and it is even less
known that one of his favorite novels at that time was "Joseph
Andrews" by Henry Fielding. What was it in that work that
appealed to Jones? Henry Fielding's novels were extremely well
written. He emphasized realism as opposed to sentimentality, and he
exposed frivolous manners and morals in favor of narratives which
portrayed life as it really was. His work is characterized by quality
writing, artful construction, and excellent craftsmanship. All of
these elements were favored by Jones, who became a consummate writer
himself - mostly on golf - and who emphasized these same attributes
not only in his own writing, but also in his golf game, his course
design, and his hosting of The Masters. But how did these
characteristics manifest themselves in his life? The Augusta National
Golf Club would not have come about had it not been for a curious
twist of fate. In 1929, the United States Amateur Championship was,
for the first time, played West of the Mississippi: at the Pebble
Beach Golf Links. At the time also, Bobby Jones was considered
"the most stupendous golfer the game had ever known" - as
one critic put it: he would be defending the Amateur for the third
time; he had won the United States Open for the third time just three
months previous, and he was only twenty seven years old. . .at the
height of his career. The tournament had virtually been conceded to
him before it ever started. But someone else intervened. From Omaha,
Nebraska - of all places - Johnny Goodman managed to make it to the
California Coast and qualify for the Amateur. He had to come out as a
drover on a cattle car and his qualifying score was much higher than
Jones'. . . but there he was, in the first round of the tournament,
playing against Jones. And he won the match! It was the only time
Jones had lost so early in the Amateur, and it left him with a full
week without golf at Pebble Beach. What was he going to do with all
of that time? Unknown to Jones when he first went to Peabble Beach
was the presence of one of the world's foremost golf course
architects close by. His name was Mr. Alister Mackenzie, and he was
the designer of two other famous courses close to Pebble Beach: the
well-known Cypress Point and the little known Pasatiempo. Jones had,
for many years, thought of creating his own dream course, but he
wanted one which had his ideas incorporated into it along with the
theories of a highly regarded architect. Dr. Mackenzie was the man,
and Jones soon realized that, together, the two of them could bring
this vision to a reality. But where was this dream course going to
be? Since he was a native of Atlanta and a resident of Georgia, Jones
felt this course should be located somewhere in that site and
preferably close to his home town. He wanted it to "embody the
finest (features of the) holes of all the great courses. . . I have
played, a course which may possibly be recognized as one of the great
golf courses of the world." On the last dayof June in 1931 the
Augusta Chronicle ran a story that the 365 acres of the Fruitlands
Nursery, owned by Prosper Berkmans - son of a Belgian Baron - had
been sold to a consortium of buyers who were ". . . to build
(an) ideal golf course on Berkmans' place." The article then
continued with details of the project, pictures of the site, and
particulars of the sale. If this were to be Jones' dream course, who
was going to pay for it? To help underwrite the financing, Jones
appointed Clifford Roberts - an old friend and soon-to-become
administrator of the tournament, to handle the business transactions.
Roberts immediately approached financier Alfred Bourne, who pledged
$25,000 to the undertaking. A Mr. Walton Marshall matched this with
another $25,000, and in no time at all people with Winter homes in
Augusta were volunteering $10,000, $5,000, and whatever they could
afford to the venture. The dream course was on its way, but how long
would it take to build? Mackenzie lost no time in getting the course
started. His architectural creed was "to build courses for the
most enjoyment (of) the greatest number." This was accomplished
by restricting bunkers, eliminating roughs, and creating large
greens. The result is what is referred to as "utter
minimalism." After most of the course had been laid out, Jones
took over by hitting thousands of experimental shots from every
conceivable location in order to determine if each fairway had the
proper sweep, each bunker the stiffest challenge, and each green the
capability of accepting a good shot. He wanted his course to provide
the ultimate challenge and satisfaction "to the greatest
possible capabilities of (the) players." And who would those
players be? In order not to offend anyone, Jones established a set of
guidelines concerning who would be invited to the tournament. Those
players would be the winners of past and present national
championships as well as golfers who had displayed outstanding
performances during the previous year. As a consequence, an
invitation to The Masters is a coveted honor. Jones continued to host
the tournament until shortly before his death at age sixty-nine and,
for every year that he was the host he improved this tournament in
some small way. So, as with almost everything that is undertaken in
the realm of human endeavor, The Masters - as we know it today -
certainly did not come about overnight, or even in just a few short
years. From the time the wish to have his own dream course came upon
Bobby Jones, to the time when The Masters became one of the biggest
attractions in sport, there ensued a multiplicity of circumstances,
challenges, and successes. When all were ultimately blended together,
they created a phenomenon that prevails today as a majestic
experience to all who are exposed to it. The Masters is well worth
watching. I would like to acknowledge Charles Price, former
Editor-in-Chief of Golf Magazine, for his historical analysis of The
Masters entitled "A Golf Story" for most of the particulars
contained in the foregoing article. Thank you.
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